Inhyeon Lee


Inhyeon Lee(b. 1958) majored in painting at Seoul National University and obtained a master’s and doctoral degree from the Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts. He served as a professor at the Department of Painting at Hansung University for over 30 years and trained younger students. Since the early 1990s, he has continued the ‘L’épistémè of Painting’ series, which raises philosophical questions about the historical structure of art. To this day, he has achieved outstanding pictorial achievements through endless challenges. Inhyeon Lee held 21 solo exhibitions across Korea and Japan. He also participated in numerous group exhibitions at home and abroad, including the INDEPENDENTS exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art in 1979 and 1980, the Gwangju Biennale in 2000, Grand Palais in Paris, Seibu Museum of Art in Japan, Artcore Gallery in LA, Institute of Contemporary Art in Singapore, and Seoul Museum of Art. Participated in numerous group exhibitions at home and abroad, including at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He won the Award of Excellence at the 1st SPACE International Prints Biennale and the Grand Prix at the 10th Seoul International Print Biennale. His works are collected in the National Museum of Modern Art, the British Museum, and the Seoul Museum of Art.

이인현(b.1958)은 서울대학교에서 회화를 전공하고 동경예술대학 대학원에서 석사와 박사 학위를 받았고, 30여년간 한성대학교 회화과의 교수로 재직하며 후학을 양성하였다. 1990년대 초반부터 미술사적 구조에 철학적 질문을 던지는 ‘회화의 지층’ 연작을 지속해왔으며, 현재까지도 끝없는 도전을 통해 탁월한 회화적 성취를 이루고 있다. 한국과 일본을 넘나들며 21회의 개인전을 개최하였고, 1979년과 1980년 국립현대미술관의 앙데팡당전, 2000년 광주비엔날레를 비롯해 그랑팔레 파리, 일본 세이부 미술관, LA 아트코어갤러리, 싱가포르 현대미술연구소, 서울시립미술관 등 국내외에서 다수의 단체전에 참여하였다. 제1회 공간국제판화대상전 우수상과 제10회 서울국제판화비엔날레 대상을 수상하였으며, 국립현대미술관, 영국 대영박물관, 서울시립미술관 등에 작품이 소장되어 있다.

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